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EuroScience is the the most prominent, non-profit grass-roots organization for science, technology and innovation in Europe, as well as an umbrella for European organisations in the field of science.


Open to European researchers across disciplines and countries, EuroScience undertakes to advance science and innovation in Europe, thereby promoting the interests of its thousands of members.


EuroScience represents European scientists in all areas of knowledge and those interested in science, whether in public sector institutions, universities, research institutes or the business sector.


The vision of Euroscience is settled on four cornerstones. It wishes to contribute to the integration of Europe through the promotion of the idea of a threefold citizenship among scientists and scientific institutions in Europe. It aims to enhance the contribution of science to the well-being and prosperity of mankind and enrich society in confronting political and ethical issues. Euroscience’s further goal is to influence the shaping of policies for science in Europe, both at a national and European level. Finally, Euroscience wants to raise awareness of the important issues linking science to society, and actively engage in addressing these issues.


As a grass-roots association, EuroScience strongly depends on the support of individuals and organisations to grow in size and influence to make its ambition: becoming the independent Voice of Science in Europe.

In 2016 Euroscience had 2600 Individual Members in 77 countries and 14 Corporate Members. EuroScience membership is open to anyone and any organisation who shares a common vision with Euroscience, who will work towards making this vision come true and who is willing to contribute to furthering the objectives of EuroScience.

From its inception in 1997, EuroScience has been active in shaping policies for science, technology and innovation (STI), from the discussions leading to the European Charter and Code for Researchers, establishing the ERC, or the shaping of Horizon 2020 and its budget in the EU Financial Framework 2014-2020. EuroScience also plays a key role in RRI Tools, a major project on Responsible Research and Innovation.


The main recent activities of Euroscience involve managing EU projects, attributing several awards (like the Rammal Award, the European Young Researcher Award /EYRA/ and the European Science Writers Award), running the international news magasine: the Euroscientist, maintaining the European Young Researchers Platform, organising the SCI-DOC: European Science TV and new media festival and the Euroscience Open Forum /ESOF/.

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