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​Emese dived deep in science already during her B.Sc. Studies, with her diploma work focusing on "A comparative study of resonance models regarding Trans-Neptunian objects and asteroids in the Solar System". She gave prize-winning presentations of her work both at the Scientific Conference of University Students at the Eötvös Loránd University, and at the prestigeous National Scientific Conference of University Students in Hungary.


Finishing her B.Sc. with honours in 2015, Emese is now an Astronomy M.Sc. student at the ELTE since 2015. Her main interest focuses on Celestial mechanics. Apart of her research interest, she teaches Practical lessons in Mathematics for BSc students in Environmental Science.


She speaks both English and German, she has programming skills and her hobby is ballet dancing.



Besides science and dancing, Emese has further talents as well: she plays the piano and the violin and she is very much renowned for her talent. As a violinist, she is a former member both of the Symphonic Orchestra of Békés County and the Hegyvidéki Solti György Orchestra.


"I find ESOF is a perfect occasion of making a move on the path of a better future.”


TO ESOF 2016?

"The progress that took place in the last few years in astronomy is almost incredible. The first successful landing on the surface of a comet’s core, the find of gravitational waves or the increasing number of Earth-type exoplanets discovered lately all opened such new branches in astronomy that need further investigation and young researchers being ready to reach the physical and intellectual frontiers of knowledge.”

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