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Zsófia is a M.Sc. student in Geophysics who has already earned nice achievements in science. She has already been involved in research projects during her B.Sc. studies, focusing on seismic interpretation: her work can provide useful bases for instance in the viewpoint of geothermal energy exploitation. Her Masters’ research topic is the geological mapping with geoelectrical measurements. This work can be valuable to the Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute’s geological mapping project. Beyond that, the results Zsófia contributed to could be useful in the localization of water bearing layers or in the monitoring of metal pollution. She has presented her M.Sc. research project at several conferences, including the prestigious National Scientific Conference of University Students in Hungary, where she was awarded the 2nd prize. Her results got recently published as well in an international journal.

Furthermore, she has already been a geophysicist intern at the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2015.


Zsófia is equally inolved in diverse activities to enrich the scientific student life at her university. She is the vice-president of the Eötvös Student Chapter in the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, an international association for geophysicists. She organizes lectures in geophysical topics and field trips for students. In 2015 she participated in the organisation of a one-week long field camp, where she was equally a measurement supervisor. She took part of the ELTE’s team and reached to the finals in 2016 at the Imperial Barrel Award competition of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


Speaking in English and Spanish, Zsófia holds 7 scientific memberships, such as the Society of Exploration Geophysicists , the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Socity of Hungarian Geophysicists or the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.


TO ESOF 2016?

"ESOF is a unique opportunity to be at the hot spot of European science. I can closely observe the latest discoveries in many fields of science, not just my chosen topics and I can even shape the future of European science by my active participation. Also, ESOF provides an opportunity for networking. Getting to know other young researchers across the continent might prove invaluable in my later career.”

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